In February 2010, the editor of this blog had the good fortune to spend several hours over a few days with P. P.
Editor: Now that you have elaborated on all the different ways for Sadhaks to get started on the path of Maha Yoga, it would be great to hear your thoughts on Maha Yoga Sadhan itself. For example, we hear quite often from Sadhaks that they don’t think they are making rapid enough progress and they want to know what they should do about that. What is your advice to such Sadhaks?
Gurudev: Sadhaks should understand that Maha Yoga Sadhan is not something one “does”, it just “happens”. All a Sadhak has to do for Sadhan to happen, is to sit comfortably in a quiet place with as few distractions as possible, close his eyes, relax his body as much as possible and simply observe what happens. He should not do anything else!
For example, if he is breathing in and out at his normal rate, he should just observe his normal and automatic breathing. If he can observe/feel the subtle flowing of Prana Shakti within himself he should simply observe it. And in doing so, if he finds himself not inhaling, or retaining his breath for an extended period of time, he should just observe that as well and understand that Kumbhak, a type of Pranayam (structured breathing), has automatically happened. He hasn't done it with any intent, it has simply happened! He hasn't timed his breathing in any way; he is just observing that it has happened. Another Sadhak might feel his body shake involuntarily or feel a sense of warmth in various parts of his body. Still others might find themselves doing Yoga Asanas or Mudras without having any express intent for doing so. Some also begin the chanting of unique Mantras or emit other sounds, again without intent.
What is happening in each of these cases is that the Prana Shakti has begun its process of cleansing the 72,000 Nadis (pathways) within the Sadhaks’ subtle body and it is encountering and removing the obstacles it encounters by having the Sadhak go through physical Kriyas (actions). So you have to observe what is happening and also give it time.
Editor: Tell us more about the importance of Kriyas. Many Sadhaks become concerned that they are not experiencing any physical Kriyas, or the Kriyas which were happening to them in the past during Sadhan are no longer happening. What would you like to say to these Sadhaks?
Gurudev: Since every Sadhak has his unique set of accumulated Samskaras from his current and all his previous lives, which result in blockages to the free flow of Prana Shakti, the Nadi cleansing process is likely to be different for each Sadhak. The physical Kriyas that happen during Sadhan are a gross manifestation of the subtle process of Nadi Shuddhi (cleansing of the pathways). They are neither to be feared nor should they be desired. They are unique to each Sadhak and they occur based on his/her situation and needs. If a Sadhak needs to have certain types of Pranayam happen, Prana Shakti will make them happen. If certain Asanas or Mudras are needed given the specific needs of a Sadhak, he will find himself doing them without any express intent on his part. And as the Sadhak’s Nadi-cleansing needs change over time, the Kriyas he might have experienced previously may not need to occur any longer, because the needed cleansing has already been accomplished, the blockages have been removed. Eventually, when Nadi-Shuddhi is completed, all physical Kriyas will stop. So I want to urge all Sadhaks to simply have the attitude of an observer during Sadhan and also not be attached to any Kriyas at all! If Kriyas happen, they happen; if they don’t that’s great!
In fact, from one perspective, the occurrence of Kriyas is an indication of the continued presence of obstacles along the pathways, which are blocking the free flow of Prana Shakti. So Sadhaks should not become concerned if the Kriyas have reduced or have been completely abated. It is in fact a sign of progress; indeed, a good development! The occurrence of physical Kriyas is good only in the sense that it can be an external indicator that the Prana Shakti is being channeled. But here again they are not necessary. There was one Sadhak from
My advice to Sadhaks is to leave it up to Prana Shakti to cause or stop the occurrence of Kriyas. Let Mother Prana Shakti do what is needed. Think of it as your Mother scrubbing a soiled shirt. As long as the dirt does not come off the shirt, she will keep scrubbing it. When the shirt is free of all the dirt and is clean, she will stop scrubbing. Deeksha is the signal to Prana Shakti to begin the scrubbing. Whether the shirt has been soiled by “good” things like food or sweets/desserts spilled during lunch, or by “bad” things like dirt after having tripped on the playground, the shirt has to be scrubbed clean of them all!
Thanks for starting blog, I received Mahayoga diksha 10 months ago, at first i was feeling very light, calm during meditation. From past few months during sadhana lots of thoughts come in mind, i am not able to concentrate , go deep in meditation, at few times even i doubt if kundalini is active or not?
ReplyDeletei have read i should be observer not doer but any suggestions on how to be observer? how to progress in sadhana?
Maha Yoga is not a Yoga of "doing", it is the Yoga of "happening"; i.e. surrendering to the awakened Prana Shakti within you and letting Her do what is needed for your spiritual growth. The Sadhak's role is to be the non-judgmental observer; simply observing the Kriyas that happen as his/her Chitta (mind-stuff) gets cleansed of Sanchit Samskaras (accumulated impressions from current and past lives).
ReplyDeleteHaving said that, Sadhaks often go through periods when they feel that their Sadhan is not "happening" and that they must be "doing something wrong". Since there is nothing for the Sadhak to "do" during Sadhan, there is nothing he/she can do, right or wrong. But the Sadhak needs to have faith that Sadhan is indeed happening when she sits for Sadhan and surrenders to the awakened Prana Shakti.
If some Kriyas need to happen, please be assured they are happening. Sometimes they may be very subtle physical movements, or they may be some types of mental activities, typically manifested as thoughts, which might appear on the surface to be distractions. Sometimes Kriyas also take the form of Pranic activities which get perceived by the Sadhak as the subtle flow of nervous energy. These are all forms of Kriyas, whereby the Prana Shakti is bringing up accumulated Samskaras for the Sadhak to observe and cast aside. This is the process of "garbage removal" whereby the Sadhak's Chitta is being cleansed.
Often, when the Kriyas are primarily mental and get manifested as distracting thoughts, Sadhaks are best advised to not judge these thoughts as distractions, but simply a part of the cleanup process. This might be the situation in your case. I would suggest that you just observe these thoughts as they come up, without judgment and without dwelling on them, and let them go. If you find it difficult to observe your thoughts as they come up, my suggestion would be to just observe your automatic and natural breathing instead. Our automatic and natural breathing is one Kriya that happens all the time as long as we are alive. So, please give it a try if needed.
Incidentally, I would urge you to visit P. P. Kaka Maharaj's website There is a section on FAQs you might find interesting ( Please also check out past issues of the Self Awakening e-newsletter archived at the site (
Best regards,
Thank you for replying, i will try to do sadhana without being judgemental, without expectations.